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Mr. Chagoyan

Room 208 -Computer Lab


Content standards were designed to encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.

Content Standards 9-10

Content Standards 11-12

Power standards are specially selected content standards that I have chosen to focus upon.

Power Standards

Career Technical Education standards and framework bolster California's standards-based education system by incorporating cutting-edge knowledge about career options, technology, and skills required for success in adult life.

Career Technical Education Standards (My Pathways)

California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards (All Pathways)
Information Technology Industry Sector - page 253
B. Media Support and Services Pathway - page 270
D. Programming and Systems Development Pathway - page 274

Common Core State standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. They are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that students need for success in college and careers. They organized around the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards for reading; writing; speaking and listening; and language.

College and Career Readiness
Reading Informational Text 9-10 and 11-12 - page 40
Writing 9-10 and 11-12 - page 45
Speaking and Listening - 9-10 and 11-12 - page 50
Language - 9-10 and 11-12 - page 54

ELA Common Core Standards

Math Common Core Standards

Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Grades 9-12

How will the new standards for content area teachers support ELA?


Reading Standard 1: Cite textual evidence -
MLA for online sources

Reading Standard 2: Central ideas and summaries -
Tech articles/Current events

Reading Standard 3: How an event unfolds; steps in a process -
System Development Process
Web Design Process
Create algorithm for computer programs

Reading Standard 4: Domain specific vocabulary -

Reading Standard 5: Organization of text

Reading Standard 6: Author's purpose

Reading Standard 7: Translating words to visuals and vice versa -
Graphic organizer

Reading Standard 8: Distinguish between fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment

Reading Standard 9: Compare and contrast

Reading Standard 10: Read grade level technical texts independently and proficiently - Online instructions and documentation (Java, Greenfoot API )
jQuery online instructions (Github)


Writing Standard 1: Write arguments within discipline

Writing Standard 2: Write explanatory/informational papers -
Online tech articles, Movie response

Writing Standard 3: (Does not apply)

Writing Standard 4, 5, 6: Production and distribution of writing (writing process and using technology) -
Web pages
Current Event Responses (online PDFs)

Writing Standard 7, 8, 9: Research to build and present knowledge -
How to make a jQuery script work (customize)

Writing Standard 10: Write routinely -

Updated CTE Standards

There are three sets of standards for CTE:

Pathways - Information and Communications | Arts Media and Entertainment

Software and Systems Development - Standards

Design Visual Media Arts - Standards

Updated Power Standards


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