
The Aztecs had a complex and stratified society. The Aztecs were in Mexico, but part of a larger region call Mesoamerica. There society mostly depended on agriculture, but they were astonishing warriors. The Aztec military was largly composed of Aztec commoners, but they came in large numbers. The commoner only had basic military training, the Aztecs would conquer a city and then demand tribute from those places, this kept the economy good in their society. There are two main objectives in Aztec warfare: the first was political, the Aztecs wished to expand their political views and demand tribute from smaller conquered villages. The second is religious, they would capture people so that they could sacrifice them.

The Aztecs were a well educated nation and were also very clean. They were the first people to make education mandatory for children. The Aztec civilization as a whole was very artistic. A cool fact about the Aztecs is that they never referred to themselves as the Aztecs but as Mexicas, they were called the Aztecs just because their main city was Aztlan. They had an advanced system for record keeping, but also an advenced slavery system. The Aztec men could have more than one wife, and at times people would sell their children into slavery(only if they were poor). A very strange thing that I found out about them is that the Aztcs would sacrifice people not ONLY for sacrificial purposes but also for the lack of protien and meat in their diets.

The Aztecs were very creative, and their art was beautiful, but they were also innovators. They Aztecs loved to make life easier on themselves and loved to create. Some of their best creations are things like a highly organized system of governmnet and a language. The Aztecs made great things like floating gardens, universal education, ollama (a dangerous form of soccer), and herbalism(study of plants).