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I picked the Legend of Zelda because it's my favorite gaming franchise and stuff. Plus the franchise name has the word legend in it so it worked oh so right. Besides the fact that the games are really awesome the music it also amazing. The first song i learned on guitar was a song from the franchise called the "Song of Storms" and if thats not the nerdiest thing you've ever heard of in gaming I dont no what is; disregarding character cosplay. But The Legend of Zelda is awesome and my legend project is super awesome and totally awesomer than Martin's legend.(just kidding Martins is awesome)

In the Legend of Zelda Link, what appears to be a human with elf ears, is actually a Hylian. The Hylians occupate Hyrule and are a race chosen by the gode*['\sses being engineered by a race being the first to exist. Anyways like Mario; Link is fighting for a damsel in distress but usually ends up saving the world and other worlds in the process. There are three people specifically chosen by the godesses Ganon(Ganondorf), Zelda and Link. Ganon has ultimate power, Zelda has endless wisdom and Link has the courage to stand up to any enemy,which is useful for when Link has to fight giant enemies 100x times his size. They each hold a piece of a old artifact called the Triforce. The one who gets hold of all the piece by combining the others by free will or by force(force meaning death of the other two) have the power to make hyrule peaceful again or make it a place full of death and destruction.