The Grim Reaper Legend

Many religions around the world believe in some sort of spirit or deity, who is responsible to look after the souls after a person has died. The Grim Reaper is considered a Psychopomp, who performs his duties of looking after the souls of the deceased. In ancient greek mythology, Charon was that entitiy. He carried souls of the recently parted in a ferry across a river that seperated the living world and the dead. Although, most historians depend on Hades, when it comes to the interpretation of the Grim Reaper legend. Others, however, believe that the entity is a manifestation of one's own belief.

When we were told to pick a legend for our end-of-the-year Legend Project, I really had no idea what I wanted to do. I didn't know that much about rock-n-roll legends or anything like that. There was one thing I did know, however, about one legend that has haunted me my whole life. Death, also known as the Grim Reaper. As a kid my family would alwasy try to scare me by telling me stories of how people would die and where those people would go, and who might take them there. I wish that I would have known that he didn't exsist but being the gullable kid I was, I fell for every story. I was once told about a man who was out on his farm when a rattle snake came. The man sliced the head off with his shovel, but the snake kept going on. The man pondered on this and looked up as though someone were watching him, and there about two yards away was a starnge person in a long, tattered, black cloak that covered his whole body. The man was holding a scythe and when he looked up, the farmer saw that it was Death (The Grim Reaper) to claim his soul and take him to the after life. The man ran in fear trying to escape his fate, but when he ran around a corner, the Grim Preaper got him with the scythe. The man fell dead, and without a head. Since hearing this legend, I am forever horrified of snakes!