Introducing, Lilith: Mother of Demons

As a Christian, I found the story of Lilith, contradicting my religion. I began to look into her legend when I was smaller, and found some very interesting facts. The very beginning for her was aparently the Garden of Eden, with the first man, Adam. As a young girl, this shocked me. A woman before Eve? Impossible! Though in the Jewish religion, it was very normal.

The Jewish bible, explains that God had made Adam... and Lilith. Lilith was the first wife of Adam; she was made to bear children, and become the mother of the human race. The only problem, was that Lilith was a very strong woman, and believed herself to be equal to her husband-a thought unheard of at the time of this story. So God banished Lilith from the garden, and Lilith did become a mother in a very unexpected way: she became the Mother of all Demons, and spawned evils from her womb.

Lilith actually was very different from what I believed her to be: I had been introduced to the Jewish concept of her at a young age, had forgotten about it, and then opened a Whitley Strieber book, to find her keenly nestled between the pages. It was from that story, that I began a very thoughful search on this demon, woman, and vampire.

© Erin Gish