Tomas Gomez - Portfolio

Cody Parker missed field goal

Hi my name is Juan Tomas Gomez, but you can call me Tomas. I like playing football. I've been playing since, I was 5. I've played other sports such as baseball, wrestling, and swimming. I grew up in Huron for 12 years, but moved to Coalinga 4 years ago. My Portfolio is about the Chicago Bears in a playoff game missing a game winning feild goal in 2018.

Quarter 1

Media Queries-2
Areas - CHS
OYO - GRD Areas - 1
OYO - GRD Areas - 2
Position - Mickey Mouse
Position - Popsicle

Quarter 2

A029J3 - Pos. Rel.
A029J3A - Pos. Abs. with Rel.
A029J3AX - Pos. Logos
A029J3A2A - KeyFrames
A029J3A2C - Scene Animations

Quarter 3

A029J3A2C - Scene Animations>
A029J3A2AHJ - Keyframes (onclick)
A029J3A2A - KeyFrames
A029J3A2AH - KeyFrames(Hover)
Aeries Assignment
Random Number Generator
Rome Project
Tokyo Project

Quarter 4

Network List
Job Application
Refrence List
Cover Letter
Thank You Letter
El Michoacano