Izac Carmona - Portfolio


Hi, my name is Izac Carmona and this is my portfolio. I took inspiration from my favorite superhero and my favorite type of weather. I like rainy and cloudy days rather than sunny bright days. I used Spiderman because he is simply the best. I used a picture with the black suit because it fits the theme better. I have a dog named Oreo and I got him 3 years ago. Something that I like to do is play soccer with my siblings. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. I like tamales.

Quarter 1

Media Queries-2
Grid Area-CHS
OYO-GRD Areas-1
OYO-GRD Areas-2
GRD Summary - 1
Position - Mickey Mouse
Position - Popsicle

Quarter 2

A029J3 - Pos Rel
A029J3A - Pos Abs with Rel
A029J3Ax - Pos Logos
A029G8 - Transform
A029J3A2 - Transition
A029J3A2C - Interactive Animated Scene

Quarter 3

A029J3A2AH - keyframesHover
Multiplication Table
Aeries webpage
A029j3a2aHJ - JavaScript Toggle Animation Class

Quarter 4

Network List
Job Application
Reference List
Cover Letter
Thank You Letter