Introduction to Computer Science - In JavaScript (ICS)
Standards-Information and Communications Technology Sector
Standards-Arts, Media, and Entertainment Sector
ICS - Web Pages
Unit 1 - Introduction
Activity001 - Getting to Know You | Google Doc |
Teacher Introduction | Google Slides |
Teacher Guidelines/Rules | Google Slides |
Class Syllabus | PDF Doc |
Unit 2 - Class Setup
Visual Studio Code | Download and Install |
Visual Studio Code Extensions |
Imago Account | Signup Complete 26 Leadership Videos
MacBook Student Folder (Local) | File Structure
FTP Accounts | Username and Password |
FTP Software - Cyberduck | Download, Install, and Configure
MacBook Setup | Finder Preferences
Codepen Account | Signup Explore Create |
Google Chrome | Install Chrome Extensions
Cyberduck FTP Folder (Remote) | File Structure
Adobe Creative Cloud | Install and Review |
Adobe Photoshop | Install and Test |
Organize Desktop | Create Archive Folder |
Server Permission Forms | Distribute and Collect |
Practice Portfolio (index.html) | Local and Online Via FTP |
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 1 | HTML and CSS |
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 2 | Media Queries |
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 3 | Grid (Gride Areas) |
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 4 | Quote - Random of 5 (JavaScript) |
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 5 | Graphics
Portfolio (indexprototype.html) - Part 6 | Introduction Paragraph |
Unit 3 - Review
On Your Own 1 - HTML/CSS | Responsive Web Page Design Part 1 |
On Your Own 2 - Media Queries | Responsive Web Page Design Part 2 |
Color Theory | |
Photoshop |
Unit 4 - Web Services
Domain Names | |
DNS Servers | |
Web Hosting |
APIs |
Unit 5 - Intro JavaScript
Objects | Notes 1- Real Wold Objects Notes 2 - Objects Quiz Prep Google Form Quiz
A001JS | JavaScript - <script> tag and comments Learning Objective: The script tag allows you to code JavaScript Comments allow you to document your code (make notes) |
JavaScript - Variables Learning Objective: You can create variables in JavaScript using three keywords var for global variables (avoid) let for variables that might change const for variables that will not change Both var and let can be declare without values The const keyword variables must be given a value when created |
JavaScript - Variable Types Learning Objective: There are different types of variables in JavaScript including:
There are other types, but for this course, we will focus on the above types. |
A002JS | JavaScript - methods window.alert() Window Object Learning Objective: The alert() method of the window object Methods are actions associated with an object and are usually verbs Example: alert(), close(), and prompt() |
A003JS | JavaScript - methods window.document.write() Document Object Learning Objective: The write() method Methods are actions associated with an object and are usually verbs Example: write(), writeln(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll() |
A004JS | JavaScript - properties window.innerWidth Window Object Learning Objective: window.location window.innerWidth window.innerHeight Properties are descriptors of an object Some or view only and some are changeable .location, innerWidth, innerHeight are properties of the window object |
A005JS | JavaScript - properties window.document.URL Document Object Learning Objective: Properties are descriptors of an object Some or view only and some are changeable window.document.URL window.document.title window.document.lastModified |
A006JS | JavaScript - properties Style Object Learning Objective: Properties are desriptors of an object Some are view only and some are changeable window.document.body.backgroundColor window.document.body.color Objects have properties that can be changed. You can change style property values to change the presenation of your webpage. |
A007JS | JavaScript - events Learning Objective: Events are interactions with objects on the webpage. For example, you can click, double-click, and mouseover objects like buttons. <button onclick="window.alert('hello world!')> Press Me </button> Examples: onclick, ondblclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onload, onfocus, onunload, etc. * Use of inline events is no longer recommended * |
A008JS | JavaScript - events and functions Learning Objective: Events are interactions with objects Functions are organized untis (chunks) of code that can be called when needed Functions can be called by events Example: Event <button onclick='sayHello()'> Press Me </button> Function function sayHello() |
A009JS | JavaScript - events, functions, arguments, and parameters Learning Objective: Arguments are values sent to functions Parameters are values received by functions Example: Argument - <button onclick="greetUser('Hello humans!)"> Press Me </button> Parameter - function greeUser(g) In the example above, the button sends the argument "Hello humans!" and the function receives the parameter g. The parameter g is set to "Hello humans!" and the alert displays the parameter.
A010JS | JavaScript - functions, multiple parameters, and external js file Learning Objective: Multiple Parameters Functions can be called with multiple arguments and parameters. Example: <button onclick="greetUser('Hi!', 'Hello!', 'Howdy!')"> Press Me </button> function greetUser(m1, m2, m3)
Unit 6 - Layouts - Grid
Unit 7 - Layouts - Flexbox
Unit 8 - CSS3
The Development of CSS Features CSS3 added many new features. When features are introduced, they may require special browser prefixes to make them work. Here are some prefix examples for various browsers:
Learn about CSS prefixes and use them if appropriate. With time, you will no longer need to use prefixes as CSS features are widely adopted. Tools: |
A029G6 | Border-radius - Rounded Corners Objective: Create a web page using Border-Radius Explore: Border-Radius Guide: Resources: |
A029G7 | Box-shadow - Shadows on your Elements Objective: Create a web page using Box-Shadow Explore: Box-Shadow Guide: .carimages |
A029G8 | Transform - Rotate, Scale, Skew, Translate Objective: Create a web page using transformations such as rotate, scale, translate, and skew There are several transformations to explore including: rotate(7deg) scale(2) translate(50px) #logo |
Transitions Objective: Create a web page using transitions on hover pseudo elements You can animate changes in CSS property values using transitions as follows: #red #red:hover ** To earn credit, your transition properties must be different than the examples provided. Make your assignment different (unique). ** |