Color Theory

The Color Wheel

labeled color wheel

Online Notes:


Complementary (Contrast)


Split Complementary


Analogous (Analogic)

Monochromatic (Mono)

Use the Color Scheme Generator to create the above color harmonies.

Google Classroom Notes - Using Google Docs

Review - Color Wheel Video - Color Theory Basics

  1. Understanding how to create a color wheel
  2. Understanding how to use a color wheel to create color harmonies
  3. Understand the following color theory terms:

Video Color Theory Basics - part 1 and part 2

Hue: the color.

Saturation: intensity of the color, vivid to gray.

Value: lightness or darkness of a color.

Shade: the color plus black.

Tint: the color plus white.

Tone: the color plus gray.

Color Temperature: the warmth or coolness of a color.

Monochromatic: the same color plus white, gray, or black.


On Your Own 3 - Color Wheel Schemes (harmonies)

Text | Images | HTML Code | CSS Code | Finished Web Page


Web Site Activity - Color Harmonies (Scheme) - Using the Color Wheel

Color Theory Coding (Color Selection)

- Color Scheme Generator

- Color Harmonies - Code


Web Site Activity - Color Theory 2

Color Video

labeled color wheel

hue, tone, tint


Quick Review: A Brief Lesson on Color Theory


Web Site Activity - Color Wheel - Creating a Color Wheel

Using Photoshop .

Use the first two files (1 and 2 ) to help complete the color wheel (3).
Use Photoshop to color the color wheel correctly

Image - 1 :2 : 3