Photoshop Images - Gif Colors


Select an online image and export at these 8 color levels: 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, and 2. As in my example, you must specify the exported colors for credit! Remember, the lower the color levels, the smaller the file size and the faster the download speed.

On your Photoshop menu, click on File, select Export then Save for Web (Legacy) to open the Save for Web dialog box. Make sure to change the format to Gif and reduce the colors as necessary

Remember: Gifs support a maximum of 256 colors, support animation, and support transparency! No layer support for gifs!

Jpgs support millions of colors, but do not support animation, transparency, and layers.

Colors: 256

256 colors

Colors: 128

128 colors

Colors: 64

64 colors

Colors: 32

32 colors

Colors: 16

16 colors

Colors: 8

8 colors

Colors: 4

4 colors