
La Llorona

As a child my parents tried to scare me. They told me stories of a demon that would take me if I stayed out too late. I ignored them. I didn't know what a demon was, so it didn't bother me. I stayed out anyway. One story that did scare me, however, was the story of the Llorona, or the Weeping Woman. They told me her story and how she took children away. And, back then, I was a child and didn't want any part of her. I imagined her as an old hag in a white dress for many years, until I learned better. I wasn't the only kid that knew the story. My friends knew the story, too. She was scary.

Of course as I grew up, I realized it was just a legend. I learned a little more about the legend and enjoyed scaring small kids with the story, too. The story has been passed on for generations. This page provides one version of the legend, as well as a photo gallery, and several links. Go home and scare your little brothers and sisters. Tell them, that the Llorona is out to get them!


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