CSS Links


To complete this assignment, make an image similar to the following image. This image is your design, your color scheme. You are required to use your own links and color scheme.

various pseudo classes

After creating the image, code the following menu:

We can do a lot when styling links. So far we have only learned to style a:hovers, but we can do more. Browsers support the following pseudo classes:

a - This will style all links
a:link - This will style all unclicked links
a:visited - This will style all visted links
a:hover - This will style all links when the mouse moves over them
a:focus - This will style all links when using the keys to navigate over them
a:active - This will style the last clicked link

Each of the above classes can by styled. In this example, the above pseudo classes will be styled as follows:

Read the comments in the code for more detail. See the code in action below.

You are required to come up with a color scheme.

Use the color wheel to select colors that go well together.