Assignment 011a
HTML Tag Events
Most objects have events. For example tags such as <table>, <tr>, <td>, <a>, and <strong> also have events.
The following <tr> tags, in the table below, utilize the onmouseover and onmouseout events to change the color of the row as the mouse moves over the row and out of the row. We do this by changing the class that's being used!
ID | Last Name | Grade |
1 | Becerra | A |
4 | Burke | C |
7 | Compos | F |
10 | DelaCruz | A |
67 | Murillo | A |
22 | Paez | D |
19 | Preciado | F+ |
16 | Roberts | C |
13 | Zuniga | B |
In order to get credit for this assignment, make this assignment change the color of the TDs using the onmouseover and onmouseout events. You will need to create new classes!