Images Accessibility - Assignment001acc

What is accessibility in regards to the web? It is the process and procedures used to make websites useable to people with disabilities. Overtime, techniques have been developed to make websites accessible to all. The following technique, alt, can be easily implemented on your web pages.

Read the following and provide three examples of your own to get credit.

Alt Attribute (Alt-text) on Images

We are accustomed to using the image tag on our web pages, but we haven't focused on using the alt attribute. The alt attribute allows screen readers to communicate information about the image to blind users. Here are three images with their respective code.

This is a creepy looking snake

<img src="Images/snake.jpg" width="297" height="185" alt="This is a creepy looking snake">

This is a tiger

<img src="Images/tiger.jpg" width="259" height="194" alt="This is a tiger">