
Google Web Fonts provides another way of utilizing fonts on your Web pages. Use an external link to a Google CSS file.

Here's the code:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Then just use the font in the tag you choose.

h1 {
font-family: 'Chicle', cursive;

Dear visitor,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. This is my eighth year teaching. I have taught at various levels including adult school, high school, and middle school. In addition to my educational background, my business experience includes Web development, database development, programming, and accounting. I hold a BS Degree in Business Administration, as well as two professional technical certifications and two academic technical certificates. I currently hold a Single Subject Credential in Business Education.

I believe that my background is a benefit in the classroom, and I plan on sharing my experience and knowledge with my students. Over the course of the year, I plan on challenging my students and developing their interest in technology.

Get your Google Web Font code here:

Google Web Font