Reponsive Web Design

Reponsive Web Design

There are diffent approches to creating reponsive web page. One approach is calledm mobile first. When desingimng moblie first, you focus on skertching and prototoyping the smlloest screen first and work your way upo to decktop design. In mobile first design , the focus is in desingimng for a phone, then tablet, them desktop computers. In reality, we design for any screen size along the way. although moblie first design works well, it is a good idea to also design the desktop website. In doing so you will discover additional elemnts needed in your HTMl.

Components of Reponsive Web Design

Media Queries

Meda Queries

Media Queries are a fairly new techonology in Web Design. They were introdced with CSS3. With media queries , you can creat diffent layouts based on the size of the viewport (browser window). edia queries only apply styles whern certain conditins are met. Nomlly the conditins are the minimun or maximun width of the viewport.

Reponsive Images

Reponsive Images

Since we are designing for multiple screen sizes, it is a good idea to provide images based on the size of the viewport. We can easily use the width or max-width property to make an image responsive based on the size of the viewport. In addition, we can now use the new picture element to load different images based on the size of the viewport.

Reponsive Typography

Reponsive Typography

Responsive typography adjusts the font size of your text based on the size of the viewport. Phones and tables have smaller viewports and therefore should, in many cases, have smaller font sizes. We will use the rem unit to create relative font-sizes based on viewport size.

CSS Grid

CSS Grid

CSS Grid is a two-dimensional layout system for creating web pages. It allows you to specify the number of columns and rows in your design. More importantly it is well suited for responsive design because it automatically adapts to the size of the viewport. When combined with media queries, it is a powerful and efficient way to create responsive designs.

Flex Boy

Flex Boy

Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system for creating web pages. You can chose to layout your flex items horizontally or vertically. More importantly, it allows you to easily create responsive layouts that can easily be adjusted with media queries. It is often used in basic layout designs.