GMG - Portfolio

Favorite type cat

Heyo! I'm a 16 year old attending Coalinga High School and soon to be President of the United States of America. At times, I tend to be reserve and a bit timid but at other times, I'm the life of the party! My hobbies include video games, anime, and working out. I describe myself as a simple man with simple plan. Obviously, I love cats and dogs.
But they don't love me back...:[

Quarter 1


Media Queries
Grd Areas - CHS
OYO _ GRD Areas - 1
OYO - GRD Areas - 2

Position - Mickey Mouse
Position - Papsicle
Java Toggle
Keyframe H

Quarter 2

A029J3 - Pos Relative
A029J3A - Pos Absoulte with Relative
A029J3AX - Pos Logos
A029GB - Transform
A029J3A2 - Transition
A029J3A2C - Animated Scene Layouts - Flex Layouts - Grid Aeries
While Loop
Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Magic 8 Ball