Alexsandra Ramirez - Protfolio

Hello my name is Alexsandra as you can tell by the big letters on top but everyone calls me Ale! I am a senior this year #classof2023, finally going to leave high school, so happy(im not)! I am 17 years old, I will turn 18 on April 28 #taurus. As you can tell my favorite color is green but not that ugly green, only the pretty kind. I love to play soccer, this is going to be my seventh year playing. I play goalkeeper for the girls varsity soccer team. I love to sleep and eat! My favorite foods are tacos and pasta. I prefer tacos de carnitas and prefer chicken alfedo if I'm being specific. I also enjoy dutch bros and starbucks. I have a bad habit of spending money on stuff I don't need like clothes. Shopping is also something I enjoy to do, I'll never get tired of it. I also enjoy to bake, I have a same business and sell baked goods it's something I enjoy doing! After high school I want to continue my education and go to college. I want to become a social worker.