Angel Diaz - Portfolio

Aero planes in empty background

Dreams are a funny thing in science. You would think with how long humans had lasted we'd have a clue about dreams. Except we don't, but at least we can share relatable experiences. Like, some people dream about being chased or naked. But I dream about cheese. This is a paragraph for Intro to JavaScript.

Quarter 1


Media Queries-2
GRD Areas - CHS
OYO - GRD Areas - 1
OYO - GRD Areas - 2
Position - Mickey Mouse
Position - Popsicle

Quarter 2


A029J3 - Pos Rel
A029J3A - Pos Abs with Rel
A029J3Ax - Pos Logos
A029G8 - Transform
A029J3A2 - Transition

Quarter 3

Quarter 4