Adam Daniel - Portfolio

My name is Adam Daniel, I am currently enrolled at Coaling High School as a senior. I am set to graduate in June 2023. My interests are Web Design, video-games, music (both playing and listening), and anime. Something I have though about but never tried is video game coding. I have never tried it, but it will be interesting to combine my job interest and what I spend most of my free time doing. After high school, I plan on going to West Hills Coalinga, in order to complete my General Education, then I will tranfer and focus on web design. I have given some though on where to go after West Hill, but I haven't made a definitave choice. On my personal time, I like to play video games and watch anime. I am currently watching Attack on Titan and playing a game called F.E.A.R 2 on my Xbox One. I haven't played and insterment in a few years, but I do want to go back and continue learning how to play. Currently I know how to play some guitar, recorder, and tambourine, as well as some online music creation.