Flexbox Parent - Flex Direction Column
Flexbox requires a parent container and children elements. The slategray elements below are the parent elements(containers). The coral elements below are children (elements within the parent.)
flex-direction, justify-content, align-items
The parent container must be given the rule display:flex in order to enable flexbox. You can then specify the flex-direction, row or column. If you leave out the flex-direction, the deafault is row
Remember this - If flex-direction is column:
You Can Use justify-content to justify children elements vertically
You can use align-items to align children elements horizontally
In order to get credit, create three parent divs(50%px x 500px) and three children divs 100px x 100px within each parent. Change the parent div to display:flex. Also, change the property values below to any of the suggested property values. Please label your work and let me know which property values you applied.
(Try row or column-reverse)
(Try space-around, center, flex-start, flex-end, space-evenly, or space-between)
(Try flex-end, center, or flex-start. Avoid Baseline)