Abigail Franco Portfolio

Hello! My name is Abigail Franco and I am a senior here at Coalinga High.I am from Atlanta Georgia but at the age of 4 or 5 we moved to California. I basically grew up in Huron but I tend to move eventually when i can God willing.I have 2 brothers they are both younger then me. The oldest is 15 and currently a Freshmen here at Coalinga high and the smallest is 5 years.They both can be annoying at times lol.Both my parents are from Mexico and both are very hardworking strongg people. Godwilling I tend to wnat to repay them with as much as I can when im able to. I can be a very shy person at first but once you get to know me well I am very outgoing and loud haha. During my free time I love having bible studies with my friends or read the word on my own. I also help my mom take care of my brother when I can. I love going on afternoon runs in the field as the sun is setting. I tell you best feeling is watching the sunset every afternnon. When watching the sunset it reminds me of this bible verse ( I got this passsion of running during quarantine as i was trying to find hobbies to start. I then just started running every afternoon and my love for nature and sunsets also grew. My love for God also grew because he found me during quarantine HE SAVED ME! So my main best things in life right now are God,Family,Friends,Sunets,Nature, and running.