"Scalloped potatoes are the only thing keeping me going."
~Madi Resendez

Madison Resendez's Portfolio

title me

this is an intro

Quarter 1

Activty001 - Photoshop ColorWheel
Activity002 - Color Theory
Practice001 - Basic Tags
Practice002 - Basic headings
Practice003 - Lists
Practice004 - External Links
Practice006 - Tables
Practice007 - Tables and Image
Practice009 - ColorWheel Review

Quarter 2

A029g6 - Border-radius - Rounded Corners
A029g7 - Box-shadow - Shadows on your Elements
A029g8 - Transform - Rotate, Scale, Skew, Translate
A029J3A2 - Transitions
A029J3A2A - Keyframe Animations (From To)
A029J3A2AH - Keyframe Animations (From To) on Hover
A029J3A2B - Keyframe Animations (Percentages)
A029J3A2C - Keyframe Animation Scene

Quarter 3

A029J2 - CSS positioning - Absolute
A029J3 - Position Relative
A029j3a - Absolute within Relative Div
A029J3A2x - Position Absolute and Relative Logos
AssignmentO29g9 text-shadow - Shadows on your text
RGBa - Red, Green, Blue + Alpha Opacity
Assignment029g12 - Multiple Background Images
A029G13 - Background Size - Resizing background images to fit (scalable)
A029G14 - CSS Gradients
A029I2A - Downloading and Installing Fonts - Photoshop

Quarter 4

A02912D - Googlefonts
A029I2C - Adobe Fonts
A029i2G - Typography / font1 / font2 / font3
A000RWD - Media Queries for Responsive Design
A005RWD-REM Units for Responsive Typography