
About Melissa Gutierrez

Hello there! My name is Melissa Gutierrez, I often go by Meli, I'm 16, I am currently a Sophomore at CHS, I live in Huron California, my social security number is- no I'm kidding that's all. I know what you're thinking, dang this girl must have a really dark soul. Well I'm here to tell you, that's not the case. I actually really love making friends and I smile a little too much, I've been told I'm a "bubbly person" which, don't get my wrong, is a compliment in my book. My page is only like this because I chose the theme Gravity falls! Thank you for reading this, I don't know why you did but I suppose I should add a Quote now?

Now this isn't an ordinary quote, you will have to decode it! The way you can decode it is by counting the alphabet to the number shown, for example "A" is 1, "B" is 2, "C" is 3, etc! Goodluck!

Quote: "9-20 6-5-5-12-19 12-9-11-5 1 16-1-18-20-25 5-22-5-18-25-4-1-25" - 10-5-19-19-9-5

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4