A029G11 - RGBa

RGBa Colors


Description: Once one of the crown jewels of the old king’s personal treasury this item is a gold-covered heart piece. Across its surface are multiple jeweled markings depicting a language found around the old king’s territory. When held by those of good intent a slight pale blue light will emit from the centers of its blue jewels.

Perk:The kings blessing

Primary power-up: When the perk (The king’s blessing) is activated the item’s current owner will receive a 100 point increase to their max health. This increase can be split with one other member of their team.

Secondary power-up: when activated at lower health this item will heal the current owner. In addition, when activated any enemy near the owner will take 10 AOE damage.

Debuff: when this perk is activated the owner’s mobility is dropped to 2 points. While in combat enemies will target the owner.
