
Hello, now why am I typing? Why are you reading this? This is just a bunch of gibberish to avoid using a random Lorem command because I very honestly do not enjoy how it looks. If my English teacher could see these run-on sentences, they would be disappointed. If you find any spelling mistakes I also aplogize about it but not really. :)))
So why are you still reading? Is it because you are invested? Dang- I really wish visual stuido code had some sort of autocorrecter for standard typing. I feel like I type too fast to the point where I misspell a lot of words. Anyways how are you? Okay cool. Sounds good then- maybe? i don't know. 0_0 (also there is a hover on my email link. it's not much but it's there. I always try to add a hover to every page)
Oh hello? You're still here- okay then. Well- these are my fonts. Cool right? I kinda just copied and pasted the link code but okay- still cool. Hmmm I like coding. Jobs in coding are fun. I am literally typing everything that comes to mind and I have not stopped. How are you? Oh wait- I asked that already. Anyways (again) I think this is the end. Bye bye. I hope I get credit- maybe? who knows- I could have done something wrong LOL. :D