
Font Combinations

Create three pages of font combinations using the typography guidelines at the bottom of the page (see Resources).

Use a pair of fonts or a font combination per page within a div. Use two fonts for the headers and a font for the body text on each page. Choose combinations that work well together using the information in the articles below. In this assignment we are going for at least one font triplet (see article 1).

In general, try using serif fonts for your headers and a san-serif font for your body text (or vice versa). Try to have some contrast in your fonts. Use size, bold, italics to your advantage.

Make sure to get all your fonts from Google fonts and make sure to change the CSS line-height property to at least 1.5.

CSS properties to explore include line-height, font-size, font-weight, font-style, letter-spacing, and text-transform.

To get credit, you must include the font-names you used where it reads "font name" on each of your three pages.

Font Combo 1 | Font Combo 2 | Font Combo 3
Resources: Article 1 | Article2