Assignment029i2c - Childhood Stories

The Hare and the Tortoise - Aesop


This is one story that we have all invariably heard. Slow and steady wins the race is the moral delivered by this story. The story revolves around an over confident hare and a hard-working tortoise, who decide to have a race. The hare, being fast, advances ahead in the race, while the tortoise is left behind. However, the hare stops to rest midway as it is over-confident of winning. Meanwhile the tortoise wins the race as it continues to work.

Goldilocks and the three bears


This is the story of a young girl named Goldilocks, who ventures into a forest. She then makes way into the house of three bears. There she finds three bowls of porridge, three beds and three chairs. She eats the porridge, makes herself comfortable on the bed and also breaks one of the chairs. When the bears come back to the house, they find the house in chaos and see Goldilocks. She then runs away on seeing the bears and never returns to the jungle.

Hansel and Gretel


This is the story of two siblings, Hansel and Gretel, who live with their woodcutter father and step mother. Their step mother, in order to get rid of them, leaves them in the forest, where they come across a house made of candies and sweets. The house is owned by a witch, who takes Hansel into captivity, as she intends to eat him. Gretel, on discovering this devious plan, kills the witch with her presence of mind and courage. They then move on to live a happy life with their father, who has by then disowned their step mother.

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