Assignment029G13 - Background Size


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(I need to make this longer so that it will scroll, so here are some poems written by Rupi Kaur.)

i want to apoligize to all the women i have called pretty. before i've called them intelligent or brave. i am sorry i made it sound as though something as simple as what you're born with is the most you have to be proud of when your spirit has crushed mountains from now on i will say things like, you are resilient or, you are extraordinary. not because i don't think you're pretty. but because you are so much more than that - rupi kaur

it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself i found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole - rupi kaur

when my mother was pregnant with her second child i was four i pointed at her swollen belly confused at how my mother had gotten so big in such little time my father scooped me up in his tree truk arms and said the closest thing to god on this earth is a woman's body it's where life comes from and to have a grown man tell me something so powerful at such a young age changed me to see the entire universe rested at my mothers feet - rupi kaur

my favorite thing about you is your smell you smell like earth herbs gardens a little more human than the rest of us - rupi kaur

i do not want to have you to fill the empty parts of me i want to be full on my own i want to be so complete i could light a whole city and then i want to have you cause the two of us combined could set it on fire - rupi kaur

i don't know what living a balanced life feels like when i am sad i don't cry i pour when i am happy i don't smile i glow when i am angry i don't yell i burn the good thing about feeling in extremes is when i love i give them wings but perhaps that isn't such a good thing cause they always tend to leave and you should see me when my heart is broken i don't grieve i shatter - rapi kaur